Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A New Way To Remember

I am always putting important things in 'special places' so they won't get lost. 
But it doesn't work when I forget where the special place is.
I'd had enough of it, so when I was tidying my mess of a room yesterday, if I found something that had been 'missing', or something that needed a special place to go, I put it there, and then wrote myself a note. On the back of an old business card. And stuck it on my wall. 

One day they will come very much in handy to me  :)

For Bare Walls

Take a look at these stunning creations. The middles of them are just a cute little doily! 
Plenty of them in the op shops.

This is the place to go if you fancy making one for your own walls.

When I have a bit of free time on my hands, I think this is what I'll be doing  ;)

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Wonderful Giveaway

Emily at is having a giveaway, a beautiful, camera strap from madebymeegz:

Mmmmm, it's so lovely. I think it's even nicer the one I posted about before. Ooooohhh I dunno, I love the leather bits on the other one.

But to enter this giveaway, head over to Emily's blog and follow her directions  <3

Sunday, June 26, 2011

One of a Kind

I realised that I never showed the 'after' photos from this post. So here they are:

The technique I used on the shirt on the right is the most common one, the 'spiral'. Instructions can be found over here. (Except I didn't do the black bits like the guy in the video did.)
The shirt on the left has a little bit of a different pattern, it's called 'spider'. I think mine looks better than the video guy's ones!!

This pattern I just made up and I love the result!!

Since then (January) I've been to a hippy market and bought some much better colours, ones that I am way more likely to wear, as apposed to those screaming bright colours above. (The photo's are cropped like that because they are part of a project I'm doing and they're still secret!!)

I love love love this shirt, it's my favourite one that I've dyed. Just experimented with my own pattern on it too.

And this one is a spiral, but I did it in such a way that there were great gaps of the white showing through. I didn't like it so I just painted the gaps softly with more dye  :)
(These dyes I have at the moment- you paint them on; they're called 'Magic Dye'.)

Have YOU done any tie dying???

Monday, June 20, 2011

Multi Cultural Arts Event in Fitzroy

So on the weekend I went to this sort-of festival with my friend Laura. In between dancing our hearts out in the mosh pit to awesome, Senegalese rhythms, attending an Ethiopian dance workshop, and making cute henna tattoos on each other, I got my camera out. It was my first official time going out with my fancy camera in it's big bag, and walking there I was just in this cloud of confidence/up-myself-ness. It was a bit of a drag carrying around 2 'handbags', and I was so worried each time I put it down to dance, that it would get stolen or something bad like that. Any suggestions for anything??

But I thought I would share these happy snaps with you... 

I tried so hard not to take images with people's faces in them, part of the whole don't-take-pictures-of-people-without-their-permission thing, but I still really loved this photo, so I blacked out their eyes  :p

My main 'theme was snippets of colour'...

A handy little snack :p


A big smooch  ;)

Pretty helmet.

I loved all the flags so much... I want to make some for myself.

Cute-as-a-button hat.

I am planning to go to more of these festival places in the next six months, let me know if you know of any.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Newspaper Appearance

This is the picture of me that was taken for the newspapers; the outfit was put together in a 5 minute panic as the guy had looked me up and down noticing my baggy pants and uggies and mentioned that he was gonna do a full length shot...

Student Hannah Chalker's picture impressed the youth photography judges

Don't really like it, it looks like a fake smile  :p

Anyway here's the article that went with it:

A PHOTO taken with a simple point-and-shoot camera has taken out Hume Council’s youth photography competition for 15 to 18-year-olds.
Hannah Chalker’s picture taken in a friend’s backyard of water droplets falling from leaves earned her a new digital SLR camera and her work exhibited for the next three months at Hume libraries.
Chalker, 18, is studying a certificate IV course in disability.
She said that while the award hadn’t changed her career path, it had given her confidence.
“I’ve always known I loved taking photographs,” Chalker said.
The Sunbury teen said the prize had come at an amazing time, just as her point-and-shoot digital camera broke.
“It’s such a blessing,” she said.
Sunbury’s Sophie Purcell-Green won the 12 to 14-year-old category of the competition.
Hume deputy mayor Ros Spence presented the winners with their prizes.
“Our judges received some fantastic entries from young people right across the municipality, who were asked to express their thoughts, feelings and opinions through a dynamic medium,” she said.
An exhibition of the finalists’ work will be on display in Hume libraries until the end of August.
(Taken from here)
(And this is the link to the photo I took that won)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Perfect Plate

Look at these magnificent plates!
('Magnificent' according to means "making a splendid appearance or show of; of exceptional beauty, size... extraordinarily fine; superb..." Perfect description!)
 Dinner Plate - Grace - Image 1

Loving the block colours of this little beauty.

Dinner Plate - Ring - Image 1

This plate is so trippy!!

I find this plate so adorable! Too quaint for food.

Clay Art Floral Stripe 10-1/2-Inch Dinner Plate, Set of 4

Spode Woodland American Quarter Horse Dinner Plate
The detail is so fine!

What a cute little set!!

Photo on a plate? I like it!!

This one is definitely my fave though!!

I don't think I could eat off them though. They would go straight onto display.


This is a video of the wonderful flashmob that I was part of, in March. It was so beautiful, and fun too.

(you can spot me, wearing a tie dyed top and green leggings at 
3:34 in the middle
4:17 on the right
4:46 making a weird face :p)

My First eBay Purchase

Feast your eyes on this cute little camera bag!! 

Fortunately this was one that fit into my budget, setting me back at only $17.99. Amazing. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Pointless Dream

I would love to have one of these hanging around my neck...

...with my camera dangling off it.

But I'm not paying $138 for it.

(check it out here)

The Wise Pebble

i picked up a pebble
it was round and smooth
how did it get so smooth and round?
was it born like that?
i wondered
the answer dawned on me
it was because
the pebble had much experience
in life

(photo from here)


This is Bruce, our little boy bird. He loves to sit on the washing machine and watch the water moving.

What a cutie.