Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cardboard Vignetting Filter

All my life I have loved the challenge of making and creating awesome looking things spending as little money as possible. My cards and scrapbooks are filled with old wrapping paper, pretty envelopes cut up, pressed flowers from my garden, buttons and material from old clothes- just heaps of stuff. Recycling, I suppose it's called. (I even once photocopied a beautiful top and used the print on a scrapbooking page. Oh yeah, one time I put all my marbles on the glass of the photocopier, and- it was awesome, man.) I use free photo editing programs and used a point and shoot camera until I won my SLR.

I just get such a huge thrill from seeing the final result and knowing that I barely spent a cent.

Which brings me to this photo.

The only editing that occurred in this little pretty was a slight desaturation and some darkening. The black vignetting effect was done by holding up a piece of cardboard with a round hole in it up to the lens of my camera.

So simple.

You can try all different shapes for the hole, like a long, thin, horizontal rectangle creates a widescreen effect. Different effects will happen depending on how close you hold it to the lens, how zoomed in you are and how big or small the hole is. Just experiment, and each photo will be unique.

So if people ask what program I got that vignetting effect on, my reply?

A tissue box.

  Paper Heart Photo


  1. interesting vignetting technique! Makes it look like there's a spotlight!


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