Saturday, August 13, 2011

Times When You Wish For A Letter From God, Telling You Where To Go

It was so cool to read.
Lily, from Snatched From The Wind, talked about how sometimes we bloggers avoid our 'more-on-the-negative-side' emotions. It's true for most of us. She said that she wanted to start being more real.
And right now, I want to do the same. I'm not whinging, but writing down what's been swirling around in my mind the last few days. 

~my future; the next few years~

I am 19 and have just finished my Certificate 4 in Disability, so I am free. 
I also have a Certificate 3 in Education Support (teacher's aide), so I am definitely qualified to get a job at any school, or anywhere in the disability field. My choices are endless. 

I have some particularly narrowed down ideas, and something to say about each one. This is just me sorting out what I think. I so wish God would write me a letter and tell me what it is that HE wants, because that, is the most important factor. 

A friend gave me some advice; he said kinda to do the one that I want to do, and if it doesn't work, God will have something better in store. He said the right opportunity tends to arise itself.

Yeah, but I don't want to make any wrong choices! I want to go straight to the right one!! And who doesn't? This is what life is about, learning to trust God, and have patience

It one of those things that if you ask God for more of, He sends tough things your way. 
It's the best way to get more patient!

Anyway, here are some of the possibilities that I am considering...

~moving in with a lady and her three children and fostering a baby with them~

This is my 'favourite' choice at the moment. 
This lady, she's one of my best friends, and I have looked after her children for three years now. They treat me more like a sibling, which is very annoying at times! But I love them to bits. 
My friend has been trying for a long time to persuade me to move in with them, so I can just be a permanent babysitter. I'm still not quite ready to leave my family yet, and Mum's not quite ready for me to go. She is amazing, and has many wild ideas. Over the last three years, she's made plans to go and live in an Aboriginal community somewhere in the middle of Australia, and to move to Papua New Guinea for a while, because there's plenty of work for her in both those places. None of them worked out (she was SO close to getting the job in PNG though!), but she wanted me to come to both of those places. For different reasons I was a bit hesitant about both of the plans. 
But her latest plan?
Me move in (her dream come true), her foster a baby or a small child (she has fostered many baby orphans in Africa), and me look after it while she's at work and the kids are at school. It's the plan I've felt most happy about. The kids will be at school, so I don't have to homeschool them or put up with their bickering all the time, and a baby? Perfect! I'm so ready for another baby; my one is now three years old. (Ah- she's my SISTER, but almost like a daughter). I've had experience, obviously, and where they live now is much closer to my family than PNG. 
I think I'm up for it.

~fostering a child myself~
Now this one I don't think I'm ready for yet, but maybe in a few years time. Apparently the government or whoever, is making a plan for foster carers to receive more money, because they are so desperate for place for children to stay. I'm not very sure of the details, but someone mentioned that they might 'give' you a house to live in, if you're fostering children. I could foster a child with a disability. It sounds like an awesome job to me!!

~working at the school I currently volunteer at~
They want to employ me. I should be really thrilled, but I really do not want to work at a school. Maybe one day I should post my list about why I hate working at schools, haha. Though I don't want to have a job there, I don't mind volunteering, because I can choose my days and hours. And which classroom I can go in. Hah, I feel so selfish; but I will take the job if I don't get any other one. That is my plan, to secretly get a job before the school talks to me again about working for them. Hehe.

~working at a day centre for adults with a disability~
Now this is the place where I want them to employ me before the school does. It's in my hometown, which the school is not, and I know that they need casual workers. I shall put my resume together soon, and quickly apply for a job there, and they should employ me!! Except I still don't know if I've officially passed my Cert 4 in Disability. So I don't think I can put it on my resume just yet...
Oh I don't know!!

~work with a young girl who I kind-of know~
A friend knows this four year old girl who has Autism, and I've looked after her a few times. She'll be starting school in a year or two, and if she goes to a mainstream school, she might need an aide. Like me
Even though I don't like working at schools.

And, my friends, I think that is all for now. 
Sit back and enjoy seeing where the One above takes me.

{Sorry about the annoying orange stuff, I can't work out how to get it off}
{and all these pics are from weheartit}


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